This kind of fencing are specially design to the highway road protection,mainly 4 types of fence series are made based on the special purpose and cost: frame fence series,reflecting net series,anti-throwing fence on bridge,barbed wire series.
Frame fence series
The characteristic of frame fence: unique structure,easy to install and easy to transport, it has been already selected by railway department.
Reflecting net series
Merit of reflecting net :handsome generous,easy maintenance,bright colors.It is the first choice for beaurifying the highway road environment.
Mainly used for protecting from the glary vehicle lights on express-ways during the night.
Anti-throwing fence on bridge
haracteristics of anti-throwing fence on bridge: net compact body,firmly and durable,anti-climbing and give people a safety feeling.
Mainly used for the bridge fence intallation to protect the objects from falling the bridge.
Barbed wire series
barbed wire fence (also known as livestock fence)can be used in both sides of high way road. In comparison to other fencing types, it is hard to handle because of the barbs and is more susceptible to permanent damage, sagging and failure because it is tightly stapled at each post. It also has sthe merit of low cost,The barbed wire fencing system may also contribute to an increased risk of wildlife injury. The finish can be galvanized or PVC coated.